Part 3: Exercise - Reading an image

The visual is about: a dragon guarding gold coins and a throne/treasure.  There are two figures in the dragons cave, one is pointing to the exit, the other is pointing to the treasure and there's indecision about what to do next. Their suits of armour lie scattered in heaps on the ground. This would be due to the fact that the dragon's lair is red hot and the suits of armour are stifling. 

The dragon is bright red: an is clearly the source of the intense red orange heat dripping off the ceiling of the cave. The dragon is the focal point and the heat is pertinent to the story in that we must know that the place is getting too warm for the figures to tolerate.

The purple tones to the right may also suggest royalty and abundance which highlights the treasure the dragon is keeping. The cave otherwise is cold and hard with a textural floor surface of pebbles and stones suggesting an uncomfortable unfriendly environment. Interestingly the dragons's horns are black and white sripes - quite fantastical with a hint of playfulness probably due to the fact that he is sleeping peacefully like an overgrown puppy. 

The claws and teeth suggest though, that this could change in an instant on awakening. His tail, the shape of a lance, rests on the throne as if he has taken ownership of the treasure already. The treasure is extremely detailed.

The hierarchy: most important is the dragon, coloured red. Second is the treasure he his guarding, highly detailed. Third is the molten hot ceiling conveyed through intense colour. It's the link to the story with the figures who've removed their suits of armour. They're an important link to the story and the artist has coloured the first figure in the same green as the throne that the dragon is guarding. The second figure is the same colour as the suits of armour, as if he wants out of the cave as soon as possible, just like the suits of armour which probably came off hurriedly due to the intense heat.

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