Part 5 : Exercise - Packaging

Packaging research - 
Most competitive South African brands on the shelves, most of which exploit 'pester power' and advertise directly to children:

Stikeez creature campaign, enormously successful at a well known South African supermarket. Not biscuit related but children loved them. Lovely idea for amorphous creatures with a dinosaur theme.

I photographed these plastic dinosaur toys below. I like the childlike simplicity without the typical scales and historical context. I far prefer them to the photographs and drawings of traditional dinosaurs because they have the ability to evoke a friendly, approachable feeling necessary, I think, to appeal to younger consumers. The shapes are organic and non-threatening.

Typographic doodles and quick, loose sketches 

A dinosaur keyring, meets a biscuit!

The sketched thumbnails above really helped me understand how to go about this.I found that the more organic, rounded and softer angles worked better to convey 'food' appeal also. 

Figuring out the colourways:

I sketched three package images and developed this one for Ginger Crunch biscuits. I felt it necessary to use ochre, orange an a mix of browns to convey the gingery taste of the biscuits. The text was hand drawn and purposefully placed in a curve to depict fun and add to the roundness of the image. The biscuit colour presented a problem, I wanted it to contrast more but no other colour seemed to be an option. Still, I think it works.

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